


[E]mails can and should be encrypted by everyone. The often-repeated claim that a person has no secrets and thus has no need to encrypt messages must be countered by pointing out that written messages are not normally sent on postcards. However, an unencrypted e-mail is nothing than a letter without an envelope. [...] The public authorities should set a good example and themselves employ encryption as a standard practice in order to demystify the process.

European Parliament, Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System, Working Document in preparation for a report on the existence of a global system for intercepting private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system), May 18, 2001, S. 103. Hervorhebung von mir.


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Schlüssel für PGP ab Version 5 (ca. 5 kB)

Schlüssel mit Foto für PGP ab Version 6 (ca. 16 kB)

Schlüsseltyp: Diffie-Hellman/DSS

Schlüssellänge: 4096/1024 bit


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