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  07. January 2015  

Our dream of heaven cannot be realized on earth. Once we begin to rely upon our reason, and to use our powers of criticism, once we feel the call of personal responsibilities, and with it, the responsibility of helping to advance knowledge, we cannot return to a state of implicit submission to tribal magic. For those who have eaten from the tree of knowledge, paradise is lost. The more we try to return to the heroic age of tribalism, the more surely do we arrive at the Inquisition, the Secret Police, and at a romaticized gangsterism. Beginning with the suppression of reason and truth, we must end with the most brutal and violent destruction of all that is human. There is no return to a harmonious state of nature. If we turn back, we must go the whole way—we must return to the beasts.

It is an issue which we must face sqarely, hard though it may be for us to do so. If we dream of a return to our childhood, if we are tempted to rely on others and so be happy, if we shrink from the task of carrying our cross, the cross of humaneness, of reason, of responsibility, if we lose courage and flinch from the strain, then we must try to fortify ourselves with a clear understanding of the simple decision before us. We can return to the beasts. But if we wish to remain human, then there is only one way, the way into the open society. We must go on into the unknown, the uncertyin and insecure, using what reason we may have to plan as well as we can for both security and freedom.

Karl R Popper, The open society and its enemies, 1945, from Chapter 10.

  09. July 2012  

Die Arbeit des Bundesverfassungsgerichts hat auch politische Wirkung. Das wird besonders deutlich, wenn das Gericht ein Gesetz für verfassungswidrig erklärt. Das Gericht ist aber kein politisches Organ. Sein Maßstab ist allein das Grundgesetz. Fragen der politischen Zweckmäßigkeit dürfen für das Gericht keine Rolle spielen. Es bestimmt nur den verfassungsrechtlichen Rahmen des politischen Entscheidungsspielraums. Die Begrenzung staatlicher Macht ist ein Kennzeichen des Rechtsstaats., abgerufen am 9. Juli 2012.

  06. October 2011: Steve Jobs 1955—2011  

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

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